Friday, July 13, 2007

A rather unlucky Friday the 13th so far.

Well, lets see, compared to my last Fri 13, this one sucks. I haven't seen my boyfriend in two weeks, I haven't seen Harry Potter and the OotP yet, I am unable to preorder the 7th (and final!) HP novel, so I'll probably have to wait months to get my hands on a copy once it comes out. My back is killing the shit out of me, and I really, really am in bad need of a new york slice (pizza) right now, and duh, I'm in california. *makes sour face* Last Friday 13th was awesome, my friend Ronnie and I broke a mirror into a thousand shards together, and I generally clowned around with my friends. Was hella fun. On the other hand, my stomach is feeling flat and tight, which means my stomach must be building muscle, somehow (I've been sitting on my ass and sleeping, so how am i getting fit, I just don't know) and i think I'm an inch taller than i was 2 month ago, so yay (I'm growing!) The Friday the 13th before that one was in October, back when I was still living with my dad. I had a party. It was a straight fiasco. Let just say 40 niggas fighting in your front yard and the street in front of your front yard doesn't make for a very fun after party. So maybe friday is playing on-and-off with me. I have a bad friday the 13th, I have a good. Then I have another bad... and so on. Natures way of telling me that im not unlucky and im not lucky, im just average. Nice. *makes sour face* Anyway, theres a picture of me this last Halloween, to befit my dark mood and the occasion of Friday the 13th (there won't be another one any time soon) And yes, I was a vampire/pixie half breed. Shit, I'm an innovator.

Her Royal Highness,
Lady Shittyness the III

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